We’ve all prayed prayers that God either hasn’t answered yet, or seems slow to answer, or doesn’t answer the way we thought He should. But God always answers our prayers. He may have answered with a No. He may have said Yes (we like Yes). He may have said Wait. This is the one He most often answers me. I don’t like waiting.
Hmmm…I wonder if He’s trying to teach me something?
There have been times in my life when I have come close to despair in waiting for God to answer my prayers. Father, why don’t you answer this? I know it has to be your will that this person comes to Christ. I had been praying for certain loved ones for years and God didn’t seem to hear me. They continued in their bad choices, at times even mocking the faith. They seemed irreparably lost.
My stepfather was one of them. I had been praying for Gary for over forty years. Gary was a medical doctor with a thriving practice. He was handsome, intelligent, a great athlete (windsurfing and skiing well into his 70s), and he was married to my mom, a beautiful lady. Further, he was a genuinely nice guy. He had it all.
However, when I’d broach the subject of Christianity with him, he would shut down discussion. He had no use for it. Jesus did not appeal to him. He truly believed that one day science would eliminate disease, possibly even death, and that something or someone from the galaxies beyond would come and save the planet. He was a devoted “Trekkie.”
About three years ago Gary started forgetting things. He’d leave the tap on, the car door opened as he exited his car, engine running, and so on. As a medical doctor he knew what was coming. We all did, for we had witnessed these very symptoms in his mother. Gary was diagnosed with frontal lobe dementia.
With the dark clouds of dementia there came a silver ling. I was pleasantly surprised to hear Gary asking me to pray for him during our visits. This was amazing! Clearly, something was changing in him. He was still fairly lucid but there were obvious signs he was not the same man he once was. I would pray, “Jesus, have mercy on Gary. Comfort him. Draw him close to you.” He would smile and thank me.
One day after another of our visits, we were about to leave, but I’d forgotten to pray for Gary. As we headed to the car he followed me outside and said, “You didn’t pray for me, Mike.” I felt terrible and of course prayed for him in the driveway. I felt better. And I could see in Gary’s expression that he felt better too. He truly took comfort in my prayers.
Driving home, however, I felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit––a sense of urgency. I told Cathy I should have talked to Gary more about Jesus. I should have said something. I should have…
I called him on my cell phone (Cathy was driving), and for about ten minutes Gary and I discussed the Christian faith. I hung up, again feeling better about it, but something was still prodding me to do more. The Holy Spirit. Why didn’t you invite Gary to come to Jesus?
As soon as I got home, I called again. I told my mom I needed to talk with Gary. Moments later he was on the line. I shared the Gospel with him and then I asked if he would like to receive Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Gary’s response floored me. “Yes. What do I have to do?” Fighting back tears, I led Gary in a simple prayer. He repeated every word I said––just like a child––and in that moment Gary, the once devoted Trekkie, became a child of God.
It was just a short time later that the window of lucidity in Gary’s mind closed. A caretaker in his home read the Bible to him every day, but his mind was quickly going. I’d pray with him when he was in the hospital, holding his withered hand, but I wasn’t sure if he even knew who I was. Gary went home to be with the Lord the end of last October. He is now in the Presence of the One who so loved the world––had so loved Gary Hathaway––who in the fulness of time opened his heart, gave him saving faith and eternal life.
Dear ones, never give up praying for your loved ones, no matter how hardened to the Gospel they appear to be. Just know that God loves them infinitely more than we ever could. God hears your prayers. He will answer in His perfect time. The one arguing the most may be the very one who is struggling with God. Pray without ceasing, for as James says, “The effective prayers of the righteous will accomplish much” (James 5:16).
Finally, be sensitive to the voice of the Spirit who may be prodding you to boldly share the love of Christ with someone––friend, colleague, or family member. Remember, someone once led you to faith in Christ. They’d been praying for you, maybe wondering if God was hearing their prayers. They’d asked God to give them courage to talk with you about Jesus. They did.
Be that person, that light, to that dear soul wandering in the darkness. Eternal Life awaits them!
Onward and Upward!